The truth about anxiety...

The thing about anxiety.

It really believes it is protecting you.

When it fires up to full on force it’s like

“What the hell - THREAT’

These threats can be real, “a car is going to hit me and kill me” or imagined threats from past learned responses and narratives deeply buried from childhood or unpleasant relationship experiences etc, these manifest in thoughts like ”I’m doing such a terrible job at being a person”…

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Why Baby Yoga is Good For Bonding

Throughout pregnancy and in the early days of motherhood, many people talk about how much you will love your baby instantly and infinitely which of course, for many is true. However, some mothers can find it difficult to bond with their babies, and for those who don’t, they still need time to get to know this new little person whom they are responsible for. Baby and Postnatal Yoga classes are an amazing way to provide this time for bonding, to get to know one another as mum and baby.

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